• Revecorp Pty Ltd. t/a Power2 ABN 27 090 740 579 Authorised Representative of Power2 Financial Planning Pty Ltd. ABN 67 122 107 528 AFSL 307169
  • Call Us Today: (07) 4957 7246



Sarah Jacobs

Sarah graduated high school in 2015 and went on to complete a Business Traineeship through the Mackay Regional Council. Sarah joined Power2 as a Financial Planning Assistant at the start of 2017 and has since undertaken further study with Power2 and now holds a Diploma of Financial Planning.

Sarah is currently working in the specialised role as a Paraplanner where she ensures that the advice provided by our Financial Planners is documented and delivered to our clients in a clear and understandable manner. She also oversees the implementation of the advice and client communication. Sarah has gained experience and understanding of both the Financial Planning Industry and Power2’s valued clients.
Sarah enjoys the forever changing dynamics of the Financial World and continuously learning, she also loves the organized and fast paced environment that Power2 has to offer.
In her spare time Sarah enjoys spending time with family/friends and her furphew (fur-nephew, Dozer), appreciating film, and supporting the local hospitality industry.

“Good Financial Decisions, everyday”, is the secret to helping our clients achieve their longer term financial goals.

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